Seb, I just logged on to your site to show yet another good friend the amazing space that is the HaPenis Project. I started stumbling across refences to your ending the site. (I’m trying hard not to panic, here) Are you considering that? I know you must spend a great deal of you day on the site, otherwise it wouldn’t be as thorough and expansive as it is. I don’t know what to say, Seb. If it’s true, I know you have good reason. I think it would be a 24/7 effort. If you wouldn’t mind, could you please just shoot me a short few sentences in this regard. I don’t think I can go back on the site until I know. I’m grief-stricken. Sounds like BS, but the thought of not having you continue offering all of that endless, wonderful, supportive guidance and joy. I’m so glad I found you and your HaPenis.

Hello Leo, Great to hear from you. Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the entire website on the 7th of Feb. It’s a long story but as soon as I clicked the button, I realised what I had done, and all I could do was sit in disbelief as the entire site was erased. Around 200,000 photos, 2,000 posts and 1000 videos, all gone, 20 years of work.
I was a bit ill for a few days, literally. Butt, I’m not bitter.
Thank God for the website WAYBACKMACHINE, which keeps an entire record of the internet. So they had indexed my site recently. So I can gradually bring back the posts randomly. So over the next months I will gradually be building the site back. A Big Hug, Seb

Thanks for getting back to me, Seb. There is nothing I can do personally, other than let you know I totally support all your efforts. For what it’s worth, please check out my blog. It’s more than just pix. I have written extensive commentary on every post, much of which was inspired by you, so you’re more than welcome to use anything you see on the blog. I’m sure you would recognize some items from your site, too! I have to admit I’ve been promoting The HaPenis Project for some time. I know it sound like BS, but I’ve been devastated ever since yesterday when I was on your site and everyone was saying you were closing up shop! WHEW!! On behalf of millions of beautiful, horny men all over this planet, THANK GOD YOU AND YOUR SITE WILL PREVAIL!

There is an extreme lack of male photos and videos out there since the take down of porn sites and adult content on tumblr. Thank you for uploading the content here. We should admire the male body. All shapes and sizes. We shouldn’t fear male nudity.
I believe 100% what was written. I love this site . The male penis is a beautiful. I love playing with my penis. I looking at all the beautiful penises Keep up
The good job
Such LOVELY arses boys! OMG!
I will try and send you pic and videos that I have saved
Bless You
That will be great