11 thoughts on “A Hug And A Tug

    1. Wow! That is what you called a great body!
      Asking to get a hug. I don’t know where you live. So give a telepathic hug around that beautiful body! 🧸😁😀

  1. I love to hug another male. The solid feel of their body is like none other. I am a white guy and one time I got to hugging a handsome black guy. We had been friends in the Navy for a year. The hug did not end. We peeled each other’s clothes off, and we were finally naked. He had an ED (Enormous Dick). We had never had an intimate relationship before, but have expressed feelings to each other. He sat down on a chair and I straddled facing him. I am a bottom, so after some oral work I lubed my rear and his cock and moved up to sit on it. I didn’t know if he would fit and whether it would be painful. He allowed me to be in control and I slowly let him enter me. He fit. OMG, it was incredible. We were longtime partners and had lots of fun until I was discharged. I miss him. So, hugging can lead to a wonderful ending.

  2. Hugs, in addition to the feeling of comfort and protection, are extremely beneficial to mental health… Feeling the heartbeat, the heat of the body, your hair, beard and your erection… is priceless!!

    1. I love the fact that you have a wonderful connection with the other person, you become as one. Everything stops, and as you say, it’s so good for your mental health and well-being.
      We all need a hug buddy 🤗

  3. I enjoy hugging, especially if your both naked, feeling each other’s cocks pressed together. Even clothed, the sensation and feeling another man’s firm body pressed against yours, you can’t help but feel the emotions that stir you sexually.

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