VIDEO CREDIT : André Medeiros Martins is an actor and performer. He is an autofictionist. More Info :

9 thoughts on “A HaPenis Artist

    1. How wonderful to see a beautiful cock that isn’t gigantic. A regular size dick that
      feels and tastes delicious! Hope to see more of these smaller size penises. Thanks
      so much HaPenis for including this normal demographic of five inches or less!

    2. Thanks Stephen you are appreciate a smaller cock! It is my HaPenis to say it is mine!! It lies perfectly in my hand!
      Like to so you another shot.

    3. I love my cock.
      3 inches hard.
      Some guys dream of having a huge dick. I have always been proud of my size. As far as having a bigger cock, my partner is a bottom. He has a huge dick. A centimeter short of 10 inches (and I’m the top). So I get the best of both worlds.

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