I almost always have a mirror nearby but nowadays it’s a small mirror which allows me to focus on my beautiful penis. When I was younger and fitter I would regularly make love to my image in the mirror because I was so happy to see how my body had developed tone and muscularity. As I was masturbating I would try to identify where the pleasure was emanating from, but I could not distinguish between myself, my hand, my penis or all those things in the mirror. I guess there was a dissociation taking place, but this dissociation developed into a merging, until orgasm where I didn’t know who or what I was. Afterwards I would be sure to linger in the space where I was. I’d deliberately be very kind to myself, gently taking myself to bed, usually, and to restful sleep. – Stripjack
Years ago whenever I visited Sydney which was about twice a month , i stayed at the same hotel because of the bathroom mirrors. There were mirrors on both side walls of the bathroom, as well as above the vanity basin. When I masturbated I could see my cock in front of me, but on each sides, I could see my cock reflections curving to infinity. I masturbated as soon as I settled into the room. After my night out , and back into my bathroom, I spent a long time masturbating with a million of my mirrored cocks. It still turns me on thinking about those mirrors. I would cumm onto one side mirror, then smear cumm on to the other mirror so I could see cumm to infinity. – Roman