1 thought on “woods god arse dads

  1. My lover and I would fjump in our canoe and Paddle for days up the Mississipi river south of Miniapolist, MN
    No clothes.
    A couple of times we’d encounter a ranger in his kayak paddling the opposite way.
    We both smiled at Hi
    And gave him a warm hello.
    He smiled back and greeted us warmly.
    He wasn’t phased at all by our bare skin.
    In later years while living in San Francisco before the days of tolerated nudity I’d hike thru the wonderful parks there in the buff and encountered police a couple of times!.
    The officers were annoyed at finding me naked but they didn’t want to be the officers at the province who brought in the pervert.
    I’ve been a nudist since I was nine years old and will never give it up and rather proud of my nature…

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