14 thoughts on “On The Spectrum?

  1. There are bisexual men who, faced with a prejudiced society, mask their desires in a heterosexual marriage.
    Labels will unfortunately always exist. However, being free to move between different sexual pluralities is, for those who are bisexual, an unprecedented oasis.
    Just like being just gay or just straight… We should be happy in the freest and most human way we can be…
    I’m 47 years old, I’m a gay man who has never had sex with the opposite sex (I’m a virgin even when kissing women), but if there is sexual desire I’m open to experimenting!

    Thanks guys…

  2. When are we going to get tired of labels? Everything is labeled. And when the “elites” decided to start cutting society up into religious pieces, labels were put in place to divide people even more. Gay, straight,bi, demi…whatever! We are human! Humans are sexual beings. So hey I’m neither gay or straight…. I’m a human who enjoys sexual expression with whoever you are. Kiss the boys, kiss the girls and live your blessed life!!

  3. I too am married to a woman. But I’ve realized after years of denying it, that I find men so incredibly sexy, almost more so than women. The reason? I have found the juxtaposition of masculinity with tenderness to be irresistible. To be fucking a dude, with his strong arms and back, and then having him moan with a “i love you baby for making me feel so good” and a “i’m yours baby” glance sends me to the moon in ecstasy. The gentle kiss with our beards rubbing together, the look of toughness in his eyes that melt into soft pools of vulnerability. Our strong hard cocks gently touching while we embrace in a deep kiss. The connection is mind blowing.

  4. Dear Dave, I think I agree with you about the way you describe the steady increase in my interest in men and “gay things.” And maybe I fit your category: 100% gay, married to a woman. I think I would always have been comfortable being described as “gay” if the label didn’t have so many obligations attached to it about being “gay” and not something else. My “gay” guru and a sometime lover comes from the Stonewall Inn generation, lost a lot of friends to AIDS, and is “gay” in a way that I totally understand and respect. But now, in 2024? I also agree with you that in the conversations on this site, “bi” men exhibit a lot of anxiety about not being thought to be “gay.” I could go on, but my bottom line is: Why do we need categories in the first place anymore, as men who like having sex with men? You be you, I’ll be me, we both love men. That’s clear enough for us both, isn’t it? Speaking personally, I don’t need to belong to a label. I’m just me. And I LOVE men! Can’t get enough man.

    1. I also as of late., have come to know more Bi me and gay men like me who have lost pretty much all attachments to the new gay vanguard. Thanks to American media, activist Trans culture/brainwashing, and the now uber feminization of young gay men, and all its anti masculine hate culture, with the completion of total male exclusion in gay rights groups… I’m out. Fuck you. This is what we all got our asses kicked literally and proverbially for?! I too lost 2/3 of all my male friends back in the day., and for what!? History is literally being re-written to appease millennial myopic brains. A lot of it I saw with my own eyes. I wasn’t old enough for “stonewall”, I do know that there is a concerted effort to erase the Mattachine Society and The Daughters of Bilitis. In America, THEY, were the first civil rights groups to face the public.
      I don’t ever want to here the insipid term ‘hyper masculinity’ again. Christ really?! My last gigs of being a bouncer South of Market exposed me to enough of that ignorance. It’s especially sad coming from young gay men’s mouths. Who parrot these hateful and tired expressions do to societal brainwashing that’s slipping further down the koolaid slide. Long diatribe short.. we are going to see less men be comfortable coming out as either gay/ bi. I’m seeing more closeted men than I’ve seen in many years. The gay ‘hoods’ are full of screaming queens who talk like 12 year old girls. I imagine what the mind of a middle of the road, young masculine gay or bi man would think. If you are any way masculine, that part of society will exclude you. Media is as guilty. Men like myselfs and friends are never seen or represented on TV/Film. How boring would THAT be!? Frustrating and sad. I’m glad I’m my age.

    2. I totally agree. I’ve never felt I fit in to any sort of “Gay” community. I’m simply a man who likes men. I like men for their masculinity and their male beauty. Feminine men do not attract me. What’s the point?

    3. Remember brothers, labels are for clothes.
      Men have been having sex with men from the beginning. End of story.

      I agree with Tom on the “toxic Masc…” term.
      It is ridiculous.
      There are always going to be assholes.
      I’m trying not to be one of them myself and I highly recommend zero anti-social media.

      If the truth were spoken more in the world it WOULD be called anti-social media.

      The gay “hoods” were exactly as you describe in the 80s from my experience. It is actually ok buddy. And many of us are glad to see our femme fatale friends ANYWHERE. You are missing out if you avoid these wonderful human beings.
      I was dancing in the clubs with drag queens at age 15.
      They were great teachers of many life skills in Asbury Park, NJ..

  5. Also, now that we’re talking about categories (again), is there any discussion on this site about cross-dressers, fems, twinks, etc. I have no idea about the rest of you, but I have had some very hot times with men who cross-dress and one in particular who had 6 or 7 older sisters and who stole underwear and pantyhose from their drawers to wear under his jeans. He always wore pantyhose to dates with me and I ripped them off his body and fucked him. He was a fantastic lover. Everyone, so it seems, on this site is trying extra hard to be “manly.” But there are so many ways to be a “man,” many of which, in my humble opinion, haven’t been well explore in this Nobel Prize winning site for men studies!

    1. Thanks for this post. Hadn’t seen it. Of course you are what you are. Which is marvelous. As ii’ve said many times! And men are what they are. Many things. All wonderful and divine.

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