10 thoughts on “Locker Room Aria

  1. No matter the age, I’ve noticed that over 90% of the men at my gym change under a towel or change while behind the curtain in their shower. At a time when we all, literally, have unlimited porn in the palms of our hands, men have become prudes when it comes to changing in front of other men. When I was in my teens and 20’s men thought nothing of changing, chatting, shaving or walking around the locker room nude. It was natural. Doing the underwear under the towel dance is unnatural.

    1. I think in part its because we’ve taught a few generations of men, that our nudity is profane and wrong. I mean we taught them to conceal their private parts, that they should only be revealed in the most limited sense, such as a doctors visit. Porn as liberating as it is, has also made many men embarrassed by their manhood for not being pop can thick and 10 inches long. When you combine shame of being seen naked and embarrassment of possibly being the smallest guy in the group, it just seems easier on the ego and self worth to change quickly and get the hell out of there.

    2. You are so totally correct on your comment. I would add that the total body shaving is another unmasculine trend.

  2. I am in my mid-50s. I work out 4 days a week at the gym. I’ve noticed many of the younger men do not get naked when changing. Instead, they put a towel on and remove their underwear, then put on shorts under the towel and then remove the towel. Reverse happens after showering. I don’t get it. Are they really that homophobic that they won’t get naked in front of other men? Or are they embarrassed about their size? At that age, we never covered up when changing. It’s just weird.

  3. I have worked out with weights for many years and I feel it had given me a feeling of well being.
    I have done print ads and appeared on a magazine cover.
    However, I am attracted to men who are not body builders.
    I love men with nice legs and a tight ass.
    I love to see a man with a stiff cock and a horny attitude.

  4. Don’t we ALL love the sports locker room – the absolute inner sanctum of masculine bonding and virile energy.
    Testosterone weighs the air heavy with hairy arsed muscle lad dongga bobbing round to make us all giddy with deep voiced man-ness. We love the banter, the braggadocio, the swagger, the exaggerated stories, all amid the total honesty of our naked bodies laid bare and vulnerable; in front of other men, on public show in the private place. A few minutes of total truth in the world of battle-ready coats of armour.

    1. Bob I love that pole dancing you do, that seamless tan of the melampygos (dark-rumped) priveleged citizens, a sneak peak of penis, looking good.

  5. What a great and needed site. I always longed for a site that goes beyond the focus on just porn. I wish you consider including a discussion on Phallic worship as part of a healthy male sexual life; str8, gay, bi, curious, whatever.

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