I Love My Edge 2

I turn 79 next week. I LOVE my LOVENSE Edge 2! If you’ve never had a prostate orgasm before you are […]

Daddy Dick

The subject tonight is Daddy Dick And for tomorrow night as well, As a matter of fact I know of no […]

Arrested Movement 

Arrested Movement is an artistic inclusive portrait series and mindful awareness initiative celebrating and promoting positive body image for men. In […]

Peter in Slovakia

At the trailhead of the Náučný Chodník Boky trail in Slovakia, a warrior known as Naked Peter makes a striking appearance. […]

The HaPenis Widowers

One of my masturbation buddies regularly masturbated with another guy for decades, and then they both became widowers within a year […]

Lovense Diamo

First time using one of these and my god I am impressed. It works well. Vibrations are perfect, on maximum you […]

Well-Respected, 65

I am a well-respected 65 year old man with a good job and many friends. I don’t know if any of […]

The YoYo Man

Life doesn’t always give you what you want—it gives you what you are. Like a yo-yo, you rise, you fall, you […]

Art of Felix d’Eon

I paint images of Latinx, white, and Native American individuals as part of my own heritage. However, my work also caters […]

An Act of Magick

“The sexual act, whatever its character, must be dedicated as a sacrament, as the visible symbol of the underlying cosmic Reality.”— […]

No Such Thing

The notion of “porn addiction” has become a contentious topic, with some arguing that it is a therapy-industry driven concept designed […]


I have been wondering which part of man-on-man sex is the most enjoyable? Personally, I revel in the initial stages of […]

Nine O’Cock

As waves upon my head the circling curl. so in the sacred dance weave ye and whirl, Dance then, O heart! […]

Musky Lust?

“Bring me a cup of wine that is dark red and smells of musk. Don’t bring me that expensive stuff that […]