“As g(o)d’s men we have to learn that our sexual pleasures are our true spirituality. We need to be taught this self worship, we need guides to show us how. If we don’t our spirituality gets made up for us by really crap porn, and our sexual pleasures are far too fucking sacred for us to allow that do happen. You have to start with your self. When you can make love to yourself, the rest, is quite and simple. I’m older than you, this is wisdom speaking”. – Mr Cox

23 thoughts on “Wisdom Speaking?

  1. hat a great piece and so enlightening . Great pic too. I want that in my mouth so bad. Such a beautiful cock. Thanks for sharing
    Hugs, Don

    1. He descubierto, gracias a vuestras fotos que; al derrumbarse la testosterona en los adultos mayores, la colocación de un anillo en el pene, mejora sustancialmente las tan deseadas erecciones. Eso me hace pensar que dichos anillos vendrían a resultar como el anillo real en la nobleza y hoy no me resulta para nada objetable su uso, en la medida que no necesariamente estemos dispuestos a eyacular, porque efectivamente resulta complicado hacerlo, a menos que haya algo que yo no conozca. Espero comentarios de Ustedes…

      I have discovered, thanks to your photos that; When testosterone collapses in older adults, placing a ring on the penis substantially improves the much desired erections. That makes me think that these rings would come to be like the royal ring in the nobility and today I do not find their use at all objectionable, to the extent that we are not necessarily willing to ejaculate, because it is actually difficult to do so, unless there is something that I don’t know. I await comments from you…

  2. A great piece Mr. Cox, and something we all need to remember. Yes, spending time with ourselves is VERY important- and pleasurable.

    1. Hi Rob t that’s a lovely big cock you have I’m Jimmy slim guy 61 5ft9 dark brown hair blue eyes vwe wld love to suck it to completion x

  3. I am nude at home.I get a charge out of seeing my 80 year old cock hard swaying as I move.I am grateful for all of the attention I still receive. My balls hang out of my shorts at Starbucks’s as Ii read the news as oblivious to My nuts peeking out. It’s a way to attract men who want a mature cocksucker.

  4. Tengo ya 82 años, y gracias a sesiones de psicología, pude finalmente erradicar viejos traumas sexuales, incorporados fatalmente por sacerdotes católicos en mi niñez, cuando no tendría más de 9/11 años. Todo aquello que implicaba sobre la masturbación y el seguro camino al infierno. Más de 60 años con pajas culposas. Y a los 65 años darme cuenta que si Dios nos había creado con deliciosas sensaciones en nuestro pene, mal podía ser un pecado, simplemente porque si lo ponía Dios, nunca podía ser un medio para pecar…
    Es así que desde los 65 años, traté de recuperar el tiempo perdido, por haberme abstenido de tantas pajas no hechas, o en el peor de los casos, acabar tirando mi esperma al aire, y posteriores sentimientos de culpa. Es así que desde esa edad, me hacía por lo menos una paja al día, y cuando me hice más sabio, me di cuenta que lo mejor de todo, no era el final, sino llegar a la cumbre, y caminar en ella todo lo posible, sin desbarrancarse fatalmente, en la eyaculación fatal.
    Es por eso que hoy ya jubilado de las obligaciones diarias, al despertarme y dado que tengo todo el tiempo libre, me hago tres pajas antes de levantarme de la cama. La primera, ni bien siento ganas de ella y la llevo hasta su cumbre y camino en la cima hasta el punto justo que se me hace ya casi imposible de dominar, y tan perversamente como soy, me quedo delicadamente caminando en ese delicioso borde, lo ligeros toques aquí y allá, hasta que llega un momento en que mi querida verga se empieza a hacer insensible y me doy cuenta que mis nervios dicen: ¡Basta ya!…
    Al cabo de 5 – 10 minutos, la función vuelve a empezar, y así una vez más terminada la anterior.
    Tengo la viva impresión que la muerte me atrapará con mi verga en mi mano, y tal vez me vaya de este mundo, mientras camino por la cumbre de tanto placer…

    I am now 82 years old, and thanks to psychology sessions, I was finally able to eradicate old sexual traumas, fatally incorporated by Catholic priests in my childhood, when I was no more than 9/11 years old. Everything that implied about masturbation and the sure path to hell. More than 60 years with guilty straws. And at 65 years old I realized that if God had created us with delicious sensations in our penis, it could hardly be a sin, simply because if God created it, it could never be a means to sin…
    Thus, since I was 65, I tried to make up for lost time, having abstained from so many undone handjobs, or in the worst case scenario, ending up throwing my sperm into the air, and subsequent feelings of guilt. So from that age, I jerked off at least once a day, and when I became wiser, I realized that the best of all was not the end, but reaching the summit, and walking there as long as possible. possible, without fatally overturning, in fatal ejaculation.
    That’s why today, now retired from daily obligations, when I wake up and since I have all the free time, I jerk off three times before getting out of bed. The first, as soon as I feel the desire for it and I take it to its summit and I walk on the top to the right point that it becomes almost impossible for me to master, and as perversely as I am, I remain delicately walking on that delicious edge, I light touches here and there, until there comes a moment when my dear cock begins to become insensitive and I realize that my nerves are saying: Enough!…
    After 5 – 10 minutes, the function starts again, thus once again finishing the previous one.
    I have the strong impression that death will catch me with my cock in my hand, and maybe I will leave this world, while I walk through the peak of so much pleasure…

    1. Buenas Dias Oscar, I’m 75. I was brought up in a criminally repressive protestant denomination. Masturbating and ejaculating without guilt and disgust was an obstacle for too many years. 8 years ago my exit off the insane self hatred freeway of being a man who enjoys being solosexual began while at a naturist facililty. A very lovely man was in the process of getting aroused while drolling over my wife who was sitting on the edge of the spa. It was impossible to ignore the sight of his penis swelling. A beautiful sight. Love at first sight. A first for me to find another man undeniably sexually attractive. It wasn’t until this past December that I stopped working all together. Finally I can fully enjoy the road I’ve been on since I realized that being a man, enjoying massaging my penis, my scrotum, my nipples is spectacular. It’s impossible to not be aroused by the sight of another man’s penis and scrotum. To think how mistaken I’ve been all those years to not see the beauty in the scrotum is mystifying. Our stupid religons had us believing that we aren’t beautiful and that loving ourselves is evil, when in fact it is a command to love ourselves. How could I possibly love my neighbor if I hate myself? Thanks so much for your confirmation that I’m on the right path. I hope you continue to enjoy loving yourself for many years to come.

    2. My unknown and now dear Alan: Both of you and thousands of other men have been intellectually subjected to the sin of religious onanism. And since I got rid of it, I have not stopped cursing, such bad repressive teachings, for the sake of something that in maturity, we have both reached the same sad conclusion… So many lost decades!, and So much seed evacuated with guilt, when it was not introduced into a religiously committed vagina!
      My devoted Mrs. received it and offered me as a gift, two robust children, but apart from them, she also received my seed, in every bodily orifice possible, and for all this I will be eternally grateful to her but; There is always a but. In her sixth decade of marriage, she decided to retire to “Winter Quarters” and in total and sincere agreement with me, because she was already hurting after menopause and preferred to dedicate herself to her grandchildren and watering her plants. And as we say here: “I was left hanging on to the paintbrush”…

      That quickly led me to return to satisfying my sex as much as possible, but since I have certain fidelity prejudices, looking for other ladies was not an option for us, so without further possibilities, I returned (although I had never abandoned her) to my hand knowing my best pleasures. and I became a discreet and customary wanker, with total acceptance of my maneuvers by my wife. Today I enjoy my handjobs freely and if when I was a teenager I lived with my cock upright, today as an 82-year-old veteran, I always have her ready to give me that pleasure that only she provides. And happily three times a day, on average…

      I discovered this page, purely by chance, and I really loved it. Since my passion for sexuality began when I was five years old or so, and I had to learn all about photographic techniques, because it seemed like a sin to me not to record so many pleasurable moments with my wife or alone, especially there. Around the year 1965 when I got married and I dreamed of having photos of my sexual encounters with my wife, thinking of being able to see them when I couldn’t stop anymore. That’s why I have photos from those black and white times, which forced me to know all the photographic techniques, from negative development, enlargement, etc. because it was not possible to obtain them in a commercial business, under penalty of considering them pornographic, do I understand?…
      And I also had to learn photographic techniques, when I wanted to have them in color… Don’t forget that I live on a continent that, when it comes to pornography, has always been very cautious…
      Hot cock stuff like I am!
      Happy handjobs and have the best encounters, may you be sexually satisfied, Alan!!!

      Mi desconocido y ya estimado Alan: Ambos y miles de hombres más, han sido sometidos intelectualmente al pecado de onanismo religioso. Y desde que me libré de ello, no he dejado de maldecir, tan malas enseñanzas represoras, en aras de algo que en la madurez, ambos hemos llegado a la misma y triste conclusión… ¡Cuantas décadas perdidas!, y ¡Cuanta simiente evacuada con culpa, cuando no fue introducida en una vagina religiosamente comprometida!.
      Mi abnegada Sra. la recibió y me ofreció como regalo, dos robustos hijos, pero aparte de ellos, también recibió mi semilla, en cuanto orificio corporal fue posible, y por todo ello le estaré eternamente agradecido pero; Siempre hay un pero. En la sexta década matrimonial, decidió retirarse a “Cuarteles de invierno” y en total y sincero acuerdo conmigo, porque ya le dolía post menopausia y prefirió dedicarse a sus nietos y regar sus plantas. Y como decimos acá: “me quedé colgado del pincel”…
      Eso me llevó rápidamente a volver a satisfacer mi sexo tanto como fuese posible, pero como tengo ciertos prejuicios de fidelidad, el buscar otras damas, no fue una opción para nosotros, así que sin más posibilidades, volví (aunque nunca la había abandonado) a mi mano conocedora de mis mejores placeres. y me volví en un pajero discreto y consuetudinario, con total aceptación de mis maniobras por parte de mi mujer. Hoy disfruto de mis pajas libremente y si cuando era adolescente vivía con la verga enhiesta, hoy de veterano de 82 años, la tengo siempre dispuesta a brindarme ese placer que solo ella brinda. Y felizmente tres veces al día, como promedio…
      Descubrí esta página, por pura casualidad, y la verdad me encantó. Ya que mi pasión por lo sexual, se inició a los cinco años más o menos, y tuve que aprender todo lo de las técnicas fotográficas, porque me parecía un pecado, no registrar tantos momentos placenteros con mi esposa o solo, sobre todo por allá por el año 1965 que me casé y que soñaba con tener fotos de mis encamadas sexuales con mi Sra. pensando en poder verlas cuando ya no se me parase más. Por eso tengo fotos desde aquellas épocas en blanco y negro, que me obligaron a conocer todas las técnicas fotográficas, desde su revelado de negativos, ampliado, etc. porque no era posible obtenerlas en un negocio comercial, so pena de considerarlas pornográficas, ¿Me explico?…
      Y también tuve que aprender las técnicas fotográficas, cuando las quise tener en colores… No te olvides que vivo en un continente que en materia de pornografía, siempre fue muy pacato…
      ¡Cosas de un verga caliente como soy!
      ¡Felices pajas y que tengas los mejores encuentros, que te sacien sexualmente, Alan!!!

    3. Dear Oscar,
      I’m in a similar place as you. My wife is my confidant and she is very supportive of my love of masturbating. She loves to watch and would do anything I asked of her. She has a lover but I have no interest to pursue another woman. My wife and my daughter are incredibly emotionally supportive. I don’t need anyone to disrupt the Heaven I live in. I’ve thoroughly enjoy reading all of the different points of view on this website. I think I would enjoy finding a man to masturbate alongside with me. I consider your thoughts and words as a gift from Jesus. I really appreciate the photo. I’m on the road traveling across country. When I get home I’ll work on returning the favor.

    4. Hola Oscar. ¿En qué zona horaria se encuentra? Estoy en la zona horaria del Pacífico de EE. UU. ¡Disfruto especialmente de tu habilidad para pintar un cuadro con palabras que no sean vulgares! Quiero felicitar tus esfuerzos por mantenerte saludable y encontrar las palabras adecuadas para expresar mi gratitud y aprecio por la foto de tu pene erecto. Me niego a utilizar la palabra “polla” para describir mis sentimientos. Este es mi primer intercambio con un hombre mientras estoy sexualmente excitado mirando y pensando en su atractivo pene. Hermoso es lo mejor que se me ocurre. Estoy seguro de que la salud sexual es tan importante como sobre toda la salud física. Monto en bicicleta y tengo la intención de practicar un estilo de vida saludable para mantener mi peso saludable. Creo que el deseo sexual y la masturbación son la forma en que seguimos creando nuevas células en nuestro cerebro. La imagen de tu pene junto con tus amables palabras está creando una parte de mi cerebro que está dormida y en peligro de atrofia. Me tomará un tiempo formular las palabras para expresar mis pensamientos.
      Espero que tengas muy buen dia.

    5. Yes it’s a God given right. How can we bot love ourselves, and say we love others. It does not work that way. If you truly love yourself then you will love other. Self love is God love. ♥️

    6. Thank you so much for helping me understand myself better I know l may disappoint others but you have helped me see I must not disappoint myself

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