I still have these feeling daily. I was a lunch with clients this week and found myself thinking about cock, so went to the men’s toilet so I could simply feel my erotic cock in my hand.I have been out cycling this week and absently thinking about going to a local cruising place I know to suck cock (which I’ve now done over 18months ago ) and wishing I could suck strangers cocks – sadly I didn’t have the courage to go in day light. I’m sitting here now, thinking about cock and will shortly go upstairs and masturbate to the pictures of all these hot, dripping cocks and fantasise about having them in my hand and mouth.


2 thoughts on “feel my erotic cock

  1. Giovanni Here, My absolute BULGE AROUSER is the Man in his approx 60’s barefoot on a boardwalk in short or boxer type bathing suit.I stare transfixed to his meaty bulge, as he un-ashamedly ( he has a Cell in his hand ) acts just so natural …Like this is me look if you want : His meat is so packed or too big for these tight fitting shorts. I have wanked off as of today 4-28-23 at least 10 times to his bulge , much body hair & geil nips . This is my Hunk Supreme & I only wish if I were to meet him or pass by, I would definitely make a pass at him, explain the prick sucking a la Tantric techniques to him & a pre verbal,, as he sees me groveling at his bulge. He says I quote ” You like looking at what you see?” I reply can I fee it ? He sorta rubs his bulging mound which has gotten more swollen , but he puts his hand inside & down on his prick GRAPPLES it , pushes the huge head out —inevitable this would happen. The Man is a poser, & exhibitionist. I say lets just get semi-public & let me blow you as long as you want.

  2. You should do it, work of the courage sometime and get one of those delicious meaty cocks in your mouth and taste that cum. Do what you want to do to be happy

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