Thank you for showing the anti-depression dad dancing. I was in floods of tears by the time it was over, but I felt much better when I watched it the second time. It made me realise how much I need the brotherhood of men. I have lost so many brothers to AIDS over the last 30 years that I am now almost friendless. I still have my lovely husband, 29 years together and still going, But I need more men around me. I had a Prostate operation which has left me with lots of horrible side effects; retrograde ejaculation and severe ED amongst them. The result is that I feel ‘hollowed out’ and unable to start new male friendships, I can’t get the energy to go out to bars, I can’t flirt, I am afraid to go to saunas in case nothing works. I had a street accident 8 months ago, it left me with a damaged knee, two broken ribs and three crushed spinal vertebrae, four months in bed living on bottled water and Morphine followed. I am still in pain, but came out of the partial healing process determined to rebuild myself…and benefit from the 20kg of weight I lost. I now do Pilates and Tai-chi…but I feel that I am just polishing the empty shell of the man I once was. I need brothers, pals-with-benefits, hugs, bodily contact, laughs and the smell of warm men. – Scott Mcintosh
More KnoBledge
Look ur alive and u have a partner who still loves u being in the situation that you’re been through and things that have happened God was saying you are not at the end yet. You still have something to do I say better do it no matter what it is
Scott, you are not an empty shell, you are striving to be the best you, you can be, and accomplishing much in doing it. Don’t judge yourself, and don’t give up. There are men who would love to be friends with you who will welcome you.
Theo, those men who said no to you are going to be in this position sooner than later. I can tell by the way you write you are a sweet loving man. I would certainly never say no to you because I just love men. A guy doesn’t have to be young to have a dick and balls etc. LOL! You are a man, Scott is a man, we on Hapenis, are all men who love cock, and the company of like minded men. Hapenis can be in the joy of fondling, edging, exploring yourself with no distractions. There are men out there who would love you to play with you and you with them.
Don’t ever give up on yourself, never!
Thanks Duncan, time is passing and I am slowly getting better. I am having a bout of muscle spasms atm, but they do pass after time. The good news is that I spent much of the summer exploring treatments for erectile dysfunction. I then booked myself in for a private Consultation with one of Scotland’s leading Urologists, after a physical exam and his discussion he said ‘you seem to know as much of the various treatments as most of my assistants do – so outline your preferred treatment plan’. So I did; stop taking nitrates, go on a month’s course of Cialis, if that does not work I go back to his clinic to be coached on the use of injections, if that doesn’t work he is willing to give me implants. It will have to be on his private list, rather than his NHS list as the service is still recovering from the Covid epidemic, so I will have to dip into some investments. But 1 of the 3 treatments a large portion of my life back.
Hello Scott, Great to hear from you again. Hope the Cialis goes well. Keep us informed. Wishing you lots of HaPenis in 2024
I went through the courses of medication but non gave a good result. So back to the Specialist and he booked me in for implants on 9 Dec. 2024. I had them put in and began to feel better psychologically the next day. When the male nurse came to remove the dressing the next day he saw that there were no problems and the incision was closed nicely. I reached down, grabbed my dick and said ‘Hello Old Friend’. The nurse smiled and made an excuse to be out of the room ‘ for five minutes’. I had free time with my cock exposed and gently wanked it…despite the fact that it was bruised and battered the gentle wank felt WONDERFUL. It is now Boxing Day and everything is going well, I hope it continues.
I am due to see the Consultant at the end of January, he will inspect and test my cock to check that it is fit ‘for rough service’ and will teach me how to bend the implants to tuck the penis away, or fully expose it. I had the permanent implants put in rather than the blow up ones. The Consultant told me that my choice would leave me with a visible erection all the time and that some patients need help to hide this… I said that if he knew my previous reputation he would know that this was not a problemj for me! So, come the first week in February I will be hitting the Sauna on Dad’s Day!
hello Scott, wishing you lots of HaPenis for 2025
For what it’s worth Scott, sending love xxx
hi Scott
u look young for prostatic surgery i had the same 4 years ago no erections so ejacoulation but i can have great orgasms and i am 80
no lovers no more adventure i try to pay some guy for sex just touch and a wank or little more it is hard this too well this is life even to find a nice masseur is hard or maybe it is me that i wish but do not really feel .. like yesterday i went in a crusing inferno
i could touch 2 penis i asked to 2 guys if they were willing to let me caress ´em ! cose i needed to touch a penis !
they said NO 😂😂😂
i am not ugly just old or i dunno .. but it was amazing to ask ! i wish i could find a sex friend just for some. intimacy but maybe this time is really over .. when i see pics on socials i am turned off so i guess they feel the same
males are more complicate than sluts !
this is life
take care