Vilela Valentin, a renowned artist, is celebrated for his homosurrealist creations that seamlessly blend the male nude form with satirical imagery. Drawing inspiration from the Art Nouveau masters and trailblazers of gay art, such as Tom of Finland, Paul Cadmus, and Leyendecker, Valentin crafts a distinct style that is deeply rooted in the human psyche and the most profound desires of the masculine imagination. With a background in psychology, Valentin leverages his academic foundation to weave the fantasies of this unique realm into his art. Valentin employs a variety of mediums, including pencils, oil, and acrylics, among others, influencing numerous artists with his distinctive style. His artistic journey has been marked by two significant pieces: “Romano” and “How Tears are made.” – Vilela Valentin

2 thoughts on “Vilela Valentin’s Homosurreal Art

  1. Liking his work very much. I especially like the sociability of manliness in the gathering, men having erections openly, sharing, looking, showing, touching each other, celebrating the beauty, power and eroticism of our bodies.

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