“You can’t catch a wave in a bucket and walk off with it,” teaches Alan Watts, “and so, you cannot understand […]
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After The Match
How fantastic that two heterosexual Spanish footballers can demonstrate their affection physically and in public without the typical homophobic male jumping […]
MASCULAR Films Presents “Spitalfields”
A soldier has returned home from WW1 and is lost in familiar surroundings. Haunted by memories of war, his grasp of […]
Curious about giving a blowjob?
Nice to read! I enjoy sex and getting a good blowjob. Became more and more curious about giving a blowjob myself. […]
The ‘Strength to Be’
Sportswear Company, Lululemon has launched its first global men’s campaign, with a series of short films celebrating masculinity and strength. The […]