Masturbation Study

Nothing more sensual than a man self pleasing himself. My favorite fantasy, I see normal everyday guys and imagine them stoking […]

PC Muscle Exercises

Play your favourite song for masturbation really loudly Stand with your legs spread as widely as possible, with your knees slightly […]

Essential Mozart

A man’s penis reacts to some essential Mozart : Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, 1st movement.

Gary TantriK

I am here to share some techniques that will help you achieve the kind of sexual freedom that have helped me […]

TantricK Twists

T is for Tantric Twists. Use the whole of your hand to twist up and down. Sometimes you your lightest touch ever, […]

I Was Snow

“I was snow and melted away, so that earth drank me up. Till I became one mist of soul and mounted […]

your own myth

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth” Rumi Music By Arve Henrikson

This Moment

“Drink wine. This is life eternal. This is all that youth will give you. It is the season for wine, roses […]

MTV – Budgie Smuggler

Budgie smugglers” is a colloquial term used primarily in Australia to refer to men’s tight-fitting swimwear, particularly brief-style swim trunks.

Respect The Glutes

Without glutes we wouldn’t walk upright. The glutes are powerful. Respect the glutes. John