butt jazz

The ass is the face of the soul of sex. Charles Bukowski


“In these puzzles, it is obvious to the viewer that there are only two persons in the composition, but the complex […]

A £500 Wank

I am absolutely adore wanking while being watched by an older bloke. The first time it happened the old guy gave […]

Penis Acting 101

Because good penis acting can save a really really bad movie. Starring Jeremy Bilding. Directed and edited by Olivier Lebourg.

married mid thirties

I’ve read quite a bit on your site and it all sounds so exciting, yet somehow comforting. I am married, mid […]

La ley de la gravedad…

This is a short extract from The Law of Gravity or “La ley de la gravedad”, a Spanish-language drama film directed […]


Today is gonna be the day that they’re gonna throw it back to you And by now, you should’ve somehow realised what […]

Trust That

“Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that.” Rumi

Rugby Haka Erection

Rugby player gets an erection when doing the Haka. The Haka was originally performed with a full-on erection , maybe he […]

Cowboy Wash Up

Cowboy Wash Up from the book, “Bruce of Los Angeles Outside/Inside” This video is one of twelve films included in the […]