HaPenis Art André Medeiros Martins

André Medeiros Martins is an actor and performer. He’s not a photographer. He is an autofictionist. More Info : https://andremedeirosmartins.com/

Bob Mizer: Military Film

Bob Mizer: Military Films 1958-1973 refers to a collection of films created by Bob Mizer, a pioneering figure in physique photography […]


Rugby players engage in intense physical activity, and wearing tight or restrictive clothing during training sessions may hinder their range of […]

Home Alone?

I stumbled on your site found it amazing! Can’t believe men do what I witnessed! Married and excited.

Fuck Me!

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.” — Aristotle

Meditate & Masturbate

Since meditation is a mean to connect with reality at a deep level, is masturbation to avoid? After all, it’s an […]