13 thoughts on “Urban Nudist

    1. Hi, I’ve watched your videos and would love to know more about your work and about others you may know working closer to me in Austria. I’m not sure whether this is your intention, but you make me want to take my clothes off in the city where I live!

  1. I think Urban Nudist is just GREAT! I live in Austria where there is a lot of public nudism. I wish I had the courage of my naturist convictions when it comes to going nude in the city. Here’s a German-made YouTube clip I found just minutes ago on urban nudism and naked art in the US that HaPenis brothers might enjoy watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSkjg1UPQDU

  2. Dear Urban Nudist, If I take to the streets, I’ll add a certain “vintage” quality to your work, which I think would be a good thing for urban naked art. I’m 78. You are way too young and beautiful for my taste! (Just joking!)

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