Very slowly touch every inch of his body, from head to toe. Tell him how much you love him and how sexy he is. Kiss his cock through his underwear and tell him how you adore his magnificent cock. When he is undressed lie him on his back on a bed or massage bench. Cover him with a sheet. Begin to gently massage his head as you whisper your most sexual desires and fantasies to him. Gradually work up and down his body touching him through the sheet. After about 10 minutes sexily remove the sheet. Anoint him with lots of warm oil. gradually move around his body from head to toe, regularly coming teasingly close to his fattening cock. after about 10 or 15 minutes slowly move down and touch his cock very very gently. Whisper to him how much you love his cock. As you slowly start to remember the massage techniques you meditated about earlier. Pay attention to how he react to your different techniques. Encourage him to make some noise, and breath deeply. Use that as a tantric guide.
Undressing Ritual
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