7 thoughts on “Too Much Porn?

  1. Before the demise of newTumbl, I was on that site all the time, almost entirely focused on images rather than video, and I have a good size selection of those images saved on a flash drive. I also harken back to the early days masturbating to Blueboy magazine, which is where my attraction to cock was uncovered. But I have to say that as my understanding of my homosexuality has grown, so has my consumption of video showing masculine men having masculine sex with other masculine men. Of course it is not always done well, but when it is……

    1. I agree as I miss being on newTumbl. The photos of sexy, hot men was invigorating to say the least

  2. We are certainly spoiled for choice, but I have found that I tend to return to my old favourites. In particular datedicklive, which has my favourite combination of amateur production quality along with the thickest daddy dicks you ever saw. I even find that the lower resolution / quality is a key part of the charm. I have no idea how many loads I’ve blown to those videos. They don’t seem to make new content these days, which is a pity. But I have my archive, so I’m hard ‘n happy! 🙂

  3. I also hark back to the simpler days of the 1990s I used to love exploring the beautiful young men from euroboy , Vulcan , zipper , and other similar magazines, you often you to look through the mag and often focus on your favorite model and have a good wank there was model called Jason I particularly liked in mid 1990s a dark haired young man with a beautiful hairy bum photos were taken in a garden setting it was either Vulcan or euroboy , I wish I had kept those mags , would love to see them reprinted , the choice now is obviously a lot more diverse good in some ways , but I used to enjoy the days of mainly mags or possibly a softer porn video

  4. Oh I remember those good old days so well. I couldn’t keep/hide my magazine at home. Growing up I was surrounded by woods. And one spot I had an old ammo can from the military surplus that I’d hide my stash in. Often times tearing out all the fluff and keeping only the vital pictures and pages. Keeping them for woodsy masturbation sessions. Sometimes the local magazine shop would throw away old editions in their dumpster and I would climb in and harvest the goods. The 70s were so good. Thank you for a trip down memory lane.

  5. Yes I agree with this. I do exactly the same and it’s became an addiction. Flipping through photos and videos constantly add looking for something else. Eventually it makes me cum but I don’t even know which one was it that I really liked.

    1. I pretty much agree that most commercial porn videos suck. Except for the very few where the couples actually like each other and are turned on by each other and so “make love” in front of the camera. THAT is worth watching! But I have to say, in general, I prefer looking at still photographs. This site has lots of photos worth looking at again and again and lots of the kind of photo of naked men that I’d call art. These are the photos, in colour or black and white, in which you can see that the camera has fallen in love with the man he is looking at, so that I as a viewer am being asked (and how can you say no to the invitation!) to dwell, not just on the cock, which the photo makes me want to caress and take in my mouth and pull into my arse hole (even though it may not even be the most beautiful penis I’ve ever seen, but still I want it). No, these photos taken by cameras in love, make my eyes caress every inch of the man’s body that it is possible to see, want to touch, kiss, lick, smell and hold close. The “something else” (I love that phrase) that photos like that make me look for is a real man to get naked and have sex with. Looking at my own cock in a good pic makes me want to wank off more than most pornography. The kind of porn clips and pics I truly love, though, don’t make me want to masturbate. They make me want to find a man to lie down with and love and love till the moon rises and sets and the busy old fool of a sun announces a new day.

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