8 thoughts on “The Legendary Endowment Project

  1. My length is good but not exceptional with 7.5 inches. My claim to fame is my girth! My dick is 7.5 inches around with a tape measure! Huge girth! I have never seen one bigger around in thickness! I used a “ total volume” penis comparison chard and it said I am in the 99th % overall in longtime and girth and in a room of 1000 men only one would be larger than me! I never really thought of my self a huge but my buddies alway talked about my horse dick back in school days! After I began to play with other men I quickly realized that I am bigger than most! My poor wife was a virgin on our wedding night and it was an ordeal for her! She still says my dick is too big for her pussy!

  2. If you are a mature gentle man 50+ and would like to be featured in our Legendary Endowment Project please post a reply below with at least 4 picture and a short bio.

    1. It’s a nice sized fat and suckable looking cock anyway Gordon Harris I must say ✊🏻🍆💦💦💦👅👅👅…. mines exactly the same size….between 7.5 and 8 inches and I’ve always been really happy with the size of my cock particularly the girth of my cock rather than the length as I was always aware from being young that the majority of males in the world have the average cock size of between 6″ and 7″ inches and i was content with that and that any lads with bigger cocks like 10 inches was quite rare and I always think a fat chunky cock with good girth is better than a long thin cock…. also a fat cock between 7″/8″ inches and is uncut is absolutely perfect in my opinion 👌🏼 😋 😍 I’ve added my uncut fat cock below……enjoy lads 🙌🏼✊🏻🍆💦💦💦👅👅👅💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  3. Even supposedly “straight” guys compliment it in the locker room. I remember getting a few jerkoff buddies that way,but never anything else.

  4. I would give almost anything to have this publication to read and study. Alas, it does not appear to be available. I will have to dream about it.

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