“The Law of Gravity” or “La ley de la gravedad” a film directed by Álvaro García-Capelo and starring Aurelio Monge. The character Aurelio is facing the “gravity” of his own mortality and the limitations that come with aging, and must find a way to navigate this difficult terrain and rediscover his passion for life. aurelioMONGE.com
More KnoBledge
Ever since I was young, I have enjoyed walking around graveyards and reading the inscriptions on the headstones. Now as an adult homosexual, I find myself paying particular attention to the male names, along with their dates, ages, occupations and family relationships. I wonder what those men were like and the lives that they led. Each had his own story, mixed with happiness, sadness and periods of mediocrity. Each had a male body, with sexual attractions and preferences. Just because a man is named along with his “beloved wife” does not mean that he was void of other more manly desires or liaisons. But now those masculine bodies with their many wonderful parts are rotting away to dust. And my body will do the same in due time. Rather than being morbid, I offer these reflections in the spirit of Tempus Fugit (“time flies”), Memento Mori (“remember you must die”) and Carpe Diem (“seize the day”). Live and enjoy your body now, whether heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or whatever.
I would like to learn more about this film.
I am a 58 yr old who had lost all confidence in my appearance, the gray hair the not so perky chest muscles the ass that seems to have just left, I began to wear oversized clothes to hide that my body was aging, I was in an auto accident about 6 yrs ago and that put a stop to my working out due to muscle damage in my arm and legs, then I found this site 1 afternoon by chance and it TOTALLY CHANGED MY OUTLOOK on myself, I began by tightening up my clothes and getting a more current haircut and BOOM , I mow the yard in booty shorts with no shirt I wear very mesh shorts at times with make it easy to view my gifts I have to offer, I have shared quite a few photos on this site in praise of my new breath to life. I want to thank each and everyone one of you who share and participate with stories, videos and photos. WE ARE ALL desirable in our own unique way. We’ll done to all and A HUGE thank to the creator of this AMAZING community.
Johnny you are looking great my friend, very sexy.
Stay confident
Johnny you are looking great my friend, very sexy.
Stay confident, your HaPenis is shining
Lovely picture
Any day, all day, every day. Looking FINE Jhonny !!!