Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the entire website on 07/02/23, and all I could do was sit in disbelief. Around 200,000 photos, 2,000 posts and nearly 1000 videos, all gone, more than 20 years of work. I really was, extremely ill, for a few days, literally.

Butt, I’m not bitter.

Thank You to all the almighty members who took time to contact me, to offer encouragement, saved photos, and testimonials. One man contacted me to say, that if it wasn’t for a particular post on my site, he simply won’t be here.

I cried like a baby,

smoked some cannabis, and had a very spiritual wank. Thank God for the the waybackmachine, they keep about a 70% copy of the internet on any particular day. So that means what is and was here, has a 70% chance of being here forever. As A man who has always been a gambler, i realised that was pretty amazingly good odds.

So I dusted myself down,

and started the HaPenis Project, the Second Cumm-ing.

You can always take atrip down memory lane, visit the waybackmachine for some amazing memories

Thank You Gods!

P.S. In the meantime you can visit the waybackmachine for some amazing memories

59 thoughts on “07/02/23

  1. I love & deeply appreciate this site.
    Very glad you didn’t throw in the towel :’)

    I’d like to share some of my favorite pics I’d downloaded before the crash


  2. Hi Seb i wondered why i’d not had any notifications recently oh ecky thump! If only we lived nearer i’d give u a nurturing and sexy massage 👍 to help raise your spirits. Alas the website is now ressurected and will soon be at full mast again. I’ll get some saucy pics done soon and send them over for your gallery. In the meantime my friend i’m sending u big lancashire bear hugs. Much love.🙂

  3. I don’t think it will surprise you that I often feature photos from your site on my blog site. I always leave the watermark on them and provide links to highlight your site. I will gladly comb thru all my pics and send them to you friend. You have always been so kind and generous about my site, https://scottredleter.tedsandbox.org/ . I hope you continue on… the cocks of the world and the world itself need you to continue.

    1. Hello Ray, these are amazing. Thanks for letting me know about the uploads, I have now changed that setting so you will be able to multi upload, thanks for your support

  4. To MY Beautiful Brother Seb. This Pain Will Soon be Gone… So Carry On! It Will All Come Back…Like A Memorable Song….


    Take your mind back, I don’t know when
    Sometime when it always seemed
    To be just us and them
    Girls that wore pink
    And boys that wore blue
    Boys that always grew up better men
    Than me and you

    What’s a man now, what’s a man mean
    Is he rough or is he rugged
    Is he cultural and clean
    Now it’s all change, it’s got to change more
    Cause we think it’s getting better
    But nobody’s really sure

    And so it goes, go round again
    But now and then we wonder who the real men are

    See the nice boys, dancing in pairs
    Golden earring golden tan
    Blow-wave in the hair
    Sure they’re all straight, straight as a line
    All the gays are macho
    Can’t you see their leather shine

    You don’t want to sound dumb, don’t want to offend
    So don’t call me a faggot
    Not unless you are a friend
    Then if you’re tall and handsome and strong
    You can wear the uniform and I could play along

    And so it goes, go round again
    But now and then we wonder who the real men are

    Time to get scared, time to change plan
    Don’t know how to treat a lady
    Don’t know how to be a man
    Time to admit, what you call defeat
    Cause there’s women running past you now
    And you just drag your feet

    Man makes a gun, man goes to war
    Man can kill and man can drink
    And man can take a whore
    Kill all the blacks, kill all the reds
    And if there’s war between the sexes
    Then there’ll be no people left

    And so it goes, go round again
    But now and then we wonder who the real men are…………..

    1. Thank you Mr. Cox. I so appreciate your website and all it has to offer. Hope you like these pics

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