If You know anything about the models featured in The Bulge Report June 2023, click on the image and leave a reply. You can also add your bulge art to the gallery by attaching your files below.

12 thoughts on “Bulge Report June 2023

  1. Ever since I was younger, I’ve always had a fascination with a man’s package. I remember being a kid in the late ’70s and remembering that decade to be the pinnacle of men showcasing their sexuality, at least in the States. Men seem to flaunt it especially when they wore bikini underwear which you could see through their pants. I always loved to see that outline of a man’s cock. This all started to die in the ’80s and now is almost non-existent, do you mostly to the presence of progressive political correctness and pseudo aggro feminism. I say bring it back! As they say in the film of The Producers, “Flaunt it baby, flaunt it!”

    1. Love your cock bulging from your denim jeans like that mmmmm horny as fuck! Here my bulging bulge ✊🏼🍆💦💦💦👅

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