2 thoughts on “Beautiful-shower-showers

  1. Gentleman, Your HaPenis just appeared in my E-mail approx 4 Months ago. I felt like someone threw me into a most scintallating orgy. Extrordinary photos & not excluding older men, or seemingly any discrimination in age which was refreshing & democratic. I’m confused about how I join , the details etc , & lastly but never least for me. I worship the penus in all forms, but I submitted my upper body & faceless with my plump nips. Your texts vary from poetic, spiritual, sometimes erotic. Do these participants recall their sexual experiences or fantasies….. I think for some it is a bit esoteric ( not myself. ) What do you wish in the way of uploads or contributions. I have all sex outdoors for a long time, but Berlin winters prohibit that , & I am a veteran of The EverhardBaths in NYC , here in Berlin the main sauna is totally naked. & I am not really obsessed w/ saunas. Simply put I always wear a Bike Jock & my harness. I have no idea what your parameters are , but you certainly are a welcome to the slew of dating clubs like Royal & Romeo. No interest although I have met some arousing men into various fetishes. Kindly indoctrinate me as to what is your aim or goal, or just keep exhibiting fantastic men. I’m from NYC & love black men, Berlin is too white. I also rec’d a note from you behind this mail, but I will lose this if I go to my mail. I filled out basically the same data to you & the reply said my response was not correct or something. I am mixed up about what you wish me to do .

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