Art By Saul Lyons

6 thoughts on “The Art of Saul Lyons

  1. Seb, I think your posts on art, film, literature, and documentary are some of the (many) outstanding features of this site. Judging from the low number of responses you tend to get for them, they are not the most popular! I understand that. But I hope you will continue to explore the intersections between everyday male sexuality and these and other expressive forms. They are part of our male culture, they express who we are and want to be. As men, we need to see them, think about them, debate them, and cherish them.

    1. PS And it’s crucial we keep on queering mainstream str8 culture to reveal everything that is Queer about it! Please don’t tell me John Donne didn’t get fucked by a living God!

  2. Awesome art-so sexy and so erotic are Sauls guys! You can feel them,taste them-really a treat!
    Thank you very much,Saul!

  3. Hi Saul, your art work is amazing! I used to be the model for life drawing class in my local area back in the late 90s. It was on my bucket list! I got chance to do the Thinker pose but I’ve always wanted to do Rodin’s The Kiss pose but with another man which is still on my list to be completed.
    I would love to pose for you but not sure where you are, i’m based in the North West area of the UK.
    I wish you lots of success with your artwork, celebrating the male form in all it’s glory.

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