If you are a mature gentle man 50+ and would like to be featured in our Legendary Endowment Project please post a reply below with at least 4 picture and a short bio.

19 thoughts on “The Almighty Gise

  1. Mr. Gise,
    You have the most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen! Could you post your measurements please? I’m especially curious about your girth and whether you have ever done penis enlargement non-surgical. I could collect every picture of your cock ever taken and never get tired of looking at it. Please let me know if there’s someway I can get in touch with you as I would like to ask if you would be interested in being on my website for men. You would certainly be an inspiration. Thanks for a great presentation.
    Best regards,

  2. My favorite pic, Gise, is the one with you leaning against the doorpost with the dimple in your right knee. Your cock and your thighs, knees, and calves are entirely related to one another and clearly hang out a lot, tumescent in similar places and totally adorable.

  3. Love just looking at your poses! I keep an album with all of your pictures of that big fat penis of yours. Wished I could have it in my mouth.

    1. Hi
      I’m new to this. Bit shy. Few days from sixty and I luv the look of you penis, gosh would taste mighty awesome I guess, keep it up

    1. Gise, you are fuckin’ beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing your bodily artistry with the likes of us. ~Dom

  4. I’d love to serve the Almighty Gise… but if I can’t do that, I’d love to feature you on my blog if you would allow it. Maybe someday, I could pay you with my mouth and throat.

  5. The post called the almighty gise. Is so hot and the daddy is the perfect type of man for me. I’d love to be his sub. So he can use me anyway he wanted to.

  6. One of the hottest males and with the most fabulous and delicious cock..And that hot ass…Good male you Gise!

  7. There was another almighty gallery called ” Amateur Art By Gise” which we lost when the site was accidently deleted. If anyone had saved the photos could you please post them below

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