1 thought on “TARAS -0644

  1. What beautiful pictures! They transpire intimacy, love, care, affection.
    Being a 60yo married man, and having met a married friend more than a year ago with whom we have a sacred space together, these pictures are a reminder of how fortunate we are. Because we males need this space of intimacy with another male.
    For so long the myth of the perfect heterosexual family haunted me, depriving myself from exploring a big part of my life.
    For some of us a sexual friend may be important, for some others maybe not. Intimacy with another man can express differently.
    After so many years searching to coming to terms with myself and accepting who I am, I could finally turn my blame and fears into a fine dust and disperse them into the Andes air currents to never come back.
    I count myself a fortunate man, a happy man. I can hardly believe how close freedom and happiness was. Just there, just if I wanted to.

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