I have been meeting a guy for the past 3 – 4 years because I enjoy sucking him off. Since he […]
sucking dick
“I treat a dick like god: the Supreme Good. The man who’s offering his cock is my Brother; we are bonded in nature’s dance, he gifting, me receiving. There is no imbalance, no power, simply Truth: his cock is His Cock, The Cock, The Way and The Light and The Truth. To have GodCock in my mouth is to know peace and love; to seek His pleasure is my privilege. I am a servant of The Most High. Cock is my purpose. I cannot imagine a higher calling”. C. Evanston size9
Cock Drunk
From my very first experience taking a man’s firm cock into my longing mouth and for the next 50 years of […]
Spiritual Plateau
Mr. Cox, I am an American married male 66 years old, who has been practising meditation for the past 45 years. […]
Legitimate Massage?
I love blowing straight married men. I’m a massage therapist and though I do legitimate massage, there are those occasions when […]
Think of Cymru
“I am in a heterosexual relationship but occasionally my partner and I have sex with a plumber, a friend for some 15 years […]