Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief. Feel free to add your favourite cock celebrity pics below […]
sportsmen naked
Training naked can foster a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among teammates, as it removes barriers and promotes a shared experience of vulnerability. This can strengthen the bond between players and enhance teamwork and cohesion on the field. Training naked provides maximum freedom of movement and allows players to perform exercises and drills with greater ease and comfort.
A Drop In The Ocean?
This quote by the 13th-century Persian poet Rumi, “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in […]
Fraternal Camaraderie
As a straight married guy, who experienced that fraternal camaraderie of jerking off with friends when I was in junior high […]
Homoerotic Rugby
Men have a wide range of personal preferences and attractions when it comes to what they find erotic or arousing. In […]
Spreading Their Legs
There’s something about these images of men spreading their legs that is so different from young men, on an alcohol fuelled […]
10″ Djok
Novak Djokovic is an absolute legend. This Serbian professional tennis player has been ranked the best in the world ever. Novak […]
At the Gym – Mark Doty
This salt-stain spot marks the place where men lay down their heads, back to the bench, and hoist nothing that need […]
HaPenis de Torero
I am intrigued about the connection between bullfighting and the Toreador and the similarity to the Roman Mithraic cult where the […]
Naked Wrestling
Naked wrestling, also known as nude wrestling or erotic wrestling, is a form of physical competition or sport that combines the […]
Cock Celebrity Jake Arrieta
This big sporty bloke took an amazing naked selfie featuring his huge fore skinned cock. Jake Arrieta is a US baseball […]
Dieux du Stade 2012
The “Dieux du Stade” calendars started in 2001 and have since become an annual tradition. Each calendar typically features rugby players […]
What’s wrong with being comfortable with ones self, you certainly don’t have to be well endowed or have a perfect body […]
Celebrity Cock Mark DeRosa
Mark DeRosa is an American former professional baseball player. DeRosa primarily played third and second base, but was capable of playing […]
Three NFL Stars
“Three NFL stars and their magnificent physiques—each with a stunning presence, charisma, and, yes, beautiful cocks. Here’s a playful challenge: can […]