Urinating Outside

Another great feeling of freedom is to urinate outside: whether just unzipping your trousers to free your penis or, preferably, pulling […]

Adrian Woods Art

Hi, I love your inspiring website and it’s great to be a part of it. I’m glad you appreciate my work […]

Urinal Ballet

Even if all you do is go in, pee and leave, I have found it interesting, even amusing, the macho ballet […]

Piss Artists

A source of pride in my mid-20s was urinating on the street. Or in the woods, or on a tree in […]

Urinal Norfolk

I live in a small village in the middle of Norfolk and am amazed at how many of the men have […]

Rain Down

I ring the bell three times as arranged. The door release clicks and I push the door open and enter the building. I […]

Yorkshireman Urinal

i knew this guy years ago. Hardcore Yorkshireman with the fattest cock you could imagine. Every time he had a piss, […]