Jerking off with your hand flying up and down is fucking ridiculous. I feel my cock and balls with slow, horny […]
The name “Master Bates” has also been the source of unintentional humor and double entendre, as it sounds similar to the term “masturbate.” This has led to occasional jokes or references, particularly in modern contexts where the potential for humor or innuendo is recognized.
Masturbation Is Essential
Masturbation is essentially the act of self-stimulation for the purpose of experiencing sexual pleasure. Regrettably, in contemporary society, the topic of […]
La Masturbation
Se masturber où l on veut quand on veut, seul ou en la partageant. La masturbation doit tenir une place importante […]
In 1716, Dr. Balthazar Bekker published a pamphlet in London on the “heinous sin” of “self-pollution” entitled Onania, which warned that […]
A Philosophy Of The Living Penis
The Penis Is Alive : The first principle of this Phallic philosophy is that the Penis is alive. As a man, […]