Just Gorgeous

In my earlier years I wasted a lot of effort on longing and feeling dissatisfied with my average cock. Fact is, it’s always delivered pleasure, feels great in […]

A Beautiful Penis?

A beautiful penis can be appreciated not only for its physical attributes but also for its uniqueness, the way it reflects confidence, comfort, and connection to a man’s […]

Perfect Exactly

More men need to hear they that are perfect exactly as they are. That us men were born with everything we will need in life. Men ARE Gods, […]

The Study of Theology

Those who don’t feel this Love pulling them like a river, those who don’t drink dawn like a cup of spring water or take in the sunset like […]


Size is in the eye of the beholder, and as long as yours works, you have no need to not be proud of it. Each phallus is unique. […]