Men have always needed men. Nothing to explain, apologize for, or feel guilty for. Male to male sexual contact in our […]
Men As Trees
When you go out into the woods and you look at trees, you see all these different trees. And some of […]
Generous In Spirit
Dear Mr. Cox–Greetings to you and to all of my distant cousins(very distant) in the U.K. I’m writing from America (what’s […]
Omega Homosexuality
I think there’s also a strong case to make for “Omega Homosexuality.” Here a definition of the “Omega Male” I just […]
German Softness
Remember you’re only human… I weigh 135 kilos and I workout, It might not look like it but, I do. I […]
My Gentle Hands
I dunno what it is, but I have always gotten aroused by the sight of foreskin on a penis. Maybe because […]
The Snake
“Do you remember what it says in The Book of the Law?‘I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge and Delight and bright […]