My favorite flavor of men is straight, married and horny. Best sex ever hands down. A look, a glance, admiration, longing […]
HaPenis Dishdashas
For me it’s the mystique and enigma of Arab men, especially those from the more traditionally conservative Gulf, that is sexually […]
Study Me
“Study me as much as you like, you will not know me, for I differ in a hundred ways from what […]
Cumm 2 Dubai
“There are So many positions of HaPenis: Each curve on a branch, The thousand different ways Your eyes can embrace us. […]
Pearls in Paradise?
In the bath-house, the mysteries hidden by trousers Are revealed to you. All becomes radiantly manifest. Feast your eyes without restraint! […]
Feast of Nim
In ancient Egypt, Pharaohs were “required” to stand (once a year) and publically masturbate into the river Nile. ALL other men […]
Arabian Foreskin
I am a Christian in the Arab world and my father is the gyno who delivered me, and he staunchly objected […]
“It is believed that the jelq can be traced back to ancient times, when Arabic fathers would prepare their sons for […]