My favorite flavor of men is straight, married and horny. Best sex ever hands down. A look, a glance, admiration, longing can all be felt and so many men won’t make the first move. Be brave and make that move fellas. You will not regret it. – John N
Simply because the sex is always mutually good. Straight guys somehow know how to give head better than anyone else in my experience. Many like to be pounded as well. HaPenis to you brother.
More KnoBledge
Just this week the hot young UPS driver delivered a package. I happened to be on way out the door at the time. I said how you doing sexy brother? He looked surprised but not averse.
Said “take care” as he left.
Next day another package was placed inside my screen door which is something he never does. It was 72 degrees outside. I was home. Me thinks he was lingering a few seconds more to see if I was around-maybe solely for the attention of a compliment. Many men are VERY under appreciated in their lives. Men on this site attest to this.
But most assuredly, if anything down the road were to occur it will take my using my pair as he would most likely not make any first moves. Some of the hottest times in my life have required courage on my part to come to fruition.
I will report back brothers.
HaPenis to all.
Possibly the sexiest video you’ve ever posted!
It is heart warming to hear that is your favourite flavour of men, would love to hear from you!
Simply because the sex is always mutually good. Straight guys somehow know how to give head better than anyone else in my experience. Many like to be pounded as well. HaPenis to you brother.