10 thoughts on “Spotlight or Shadow

  1. I love being nude in my backyard and in the wild when I can. It’s such a erotic rush. Maybe someone will
    see me and join in the fun!

    1. Hey John… I too love being nude in my backyard, around the property, and in the wild too as well as in public when I can get away with it lol. You are so right, it is such an erotic rush that someone might see me and join in!!! It’s actually happened a few times. Photo is me walking nude in the snow in my field in a recent eastern Tennessee snow near the country road near the house.

  2. Hari Shishna, what a great statement! Perfect pic. I want that cock anywhere anytime, broad daylight depths of the night. Just give it to me! Not just for looking at, I could look forever. For having.

  3. I started in the shadow. The week I got my drivers’ license I headed toward a nude beach and, too shy to go on the beach, walked along the cliff looking down. I spotted a couple fooling around before sex. She was teasing him with her breasts, and he stood in facing her his cock hard. I was too nervous to masturbate at the time and when she happened to spot me I went running away, and I’ve jerked off to it many times since.

  4. I am most certainly more of an exhibitionist. It does get me excited to pose fully nude showing my face and my dick to all those who want to see. What’s even more exciting is to see my full nude pictures pop up on other sites knowing that people like them enough to take screenshote and share them elsewhere.

  5. I love the photo. I find it very erotic to see a gentleman partly disrobed in such a way, especially revealing a fine looking cock as that. I also enjoy some exhibitionism to those that appreciate it.


    Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 11:30 AM

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