Thou be a wise soldier with strength an’ *micht,
A treasure divine straightway *frae t’Gods.
Soldier *graew engorged to length, what a *sicht
To *gae *bar’d they girth’d arrow for men to laud.

Thrust head, shaft, an’ balls for men to grasp,
In that grasp cums thy wisdom and thy strength.
Wisdom springs frae the nectar’s flow to cast
Love cast upon the *haun that pleasured thy length.

Ay, but let thine wisdom cast to shine *bricht,
Be prideful nay to cease love by that state.
Ahh, *gie soldier to soldier thrust thus gie micht,
Micht that swells *byth soldiers twine mate to mate,

Soldiers, ALL, wisdom an’ strength lies in thee,
Head, shaft, balls in mind to mind sets free.

*Frae= from
*Graews= grows
*Sicht= sight
*Haun= hand
*Bricht= bright
*Gie= give

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