I love the look of a soft, flaccid cock, resting on or above his balls. It turns me on just as much as a bold, upright hard cock. I like the skin and the veins on a nice soft cock. The folds of skin are so hot. I like licking a soft cock, the sucking until I feel it growing in my mouth. It is definitely a thing of beauty! Shane
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There is no relationship between the size of a man’s flaccid cock and its full erect length. In one study of 80 men, researchers found that increases from flaccid to erect lengths ranged widely, from less than a quarter-inch to 3.5 inches longer. Whatever the clinical significance of these data…

I have never been one that considered penis size an issue, I enjoy playing with the larger as much as I enjoy playing with the smaller each are attractive in their own way. Although looking at a man fully erect is amazing I myself enjoy peering at the flaccid cock,…

This is my reviews of Laura Dodsworth’s Me and my penis: 100 men reveal all. To be honest with you I think her work is a bit sad. It’s lazy not to have used models who would have shown their faces as well as their cocks. It looks like the…