8 thoughts on ““Silver Fox”

  1. Ahhhh how Very Nice Indeed! Reminds me of my swim Coach, and how i took full advantage of him…. yes it was I that yearned, and initiated! Even at a young age, i Knew in my heart exactly what path i was on in life. This road has been well travelled in my journeys, and now as a man myself of 58… i Still only yearn and Admire the Older MEN. For They have such great experience and Caring. – ( from my Soulmate and I, Peace be with You All Brothers : )

  2. Wonderfully handsome older men… I’ve always been attracted to Daddies… I stopped being a virgin with a man more than 30 years older than me (at the time I had just turned 18) and it was magical, because that man taught me things I didn’t know until then, and he was so kind and patient with me… Since then I’ve been fascinated by men with gray/silver hair and beards… Simply the best lovers!

    1. André I know exactly the situation! 🙂 And i can only ogle with envy at these fine willies currently, because my situation prevents otherwise!

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