i agree. we have evolved to the point where sexual categories of this sort just don’t cut it anymore. we are complex sexual creatures. to try to reduce our sexual selves to some kind of 19th century taxonomy just doesn’t make sense in a digital age when our individual and collective horizon is so broad and we’re constantly taking in new experiences, sexual tourism, if you will. (if only it were so deep, but, that’s the future, hopefully.) anyway, thanks for this post. this is a topic that needs much discussion, much informed debate and much thought. btw: love your site, a queer alterna-oasis in a cookie cutter land of gay consumerism. thanks. Steve
More KnoBledge
With fresh attitudes regarding sexuality, what’s everyone’s thoughts on “normalizing sex with friends?” What about couple-quads/ double dates/ swinging? Game night that gets all our dicks printing. I just learned that a couple we know is into us.