I love getting my mouth close to a man’s body when I’m massaging his body. It’s always a very erotic experience. My hot breath glancing off his body as I explore and stimulate as well as massage his entire body from head to toe. I like to take my time touching and my mouth gently grazing along with my hands over his erogenous zones. My sexual energy and passion for pleasing him transferring from my body to his. Him feeling all my passion as I explore and tease him. Always starting with him laying on his stomach and me starting at his head and neck. Shoulders arms while my body lowers onto his slightly then more and then down his back down down occasionally sliding a hand back up around his head. Especially if he’s bald. But still either way it stimulates the brain and reminds it so receives the sexual energy in sending. Down down his back then gently grazing my fingertips over his buttocks. Sliding between his legs and parting them I slide down his thighs and back up slowly and methodically. Ever so lightly at first then easing into a massage touch. My mouth lowers to his lower back as I slide a hand gently up between his thighs up and tease his balls as my mouth breathes and kisses his back … more? – Seth

6 thoughts on “Seth’s Massage

  1. I’ve recently been exchanging massages with a man who is sensitive and patient and appreciative. I try to take my time and to massage him well I have to transfer what I would like, the slow, the deep, the light and the gentle onto his body. To be patient and to build the excitement. Muscle on muscle and sinew rubbing sinew. My hand exploring. To smell him and, remembering what Seth says, to place my face close to him, exploring every inch of his manly body. Bringing pleasure to him is an honour to be savoured. At some point I have to taste him too and to delve into his musky armpits and sweaty balls, to prove with my tongue his rosebud and to nibble his nipples.

  2. Seth. I love to hear that the masseur is enjoying it. At first I assumed the men massaging me saw their work as just another dick at the office and jacking me off was just another task in their in-tray, but the best ones. the men I returned to see, I began to sense they enjoyed me enjoying them. I don’t know why this was a surprise. There is a unique transfer of energy and peace for both at the end. A deep unspeakable gratitude and a moment of total accord. You can’t help develop a rapport and a genuine concern for each other. They have a talent – you blokes. A sacred talent. Thanks to all the dedicated men who enjoy their work massaging other men.

    1. I would love to be massaged by you Seth. Having never had a massage it’s something I want to experience, but nerves always get the better of me. …. And like Billy I’m rigid reading the above.

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