Semen retention. What utter nonsense. Regular ejaculation is proven to reduce prostate cancer by 15-20%. This is Frejr’s gift to us men (Or Priapus, or Pan, or Min or whichever rustic god of manhood you prefer), and we mustn’t squander it. Having read up a little bit about sex magick, I’ve gotten into the practice of repeating simple mantras when masturbating. As I feel the orgasm building up and getting closer, I speak out a little prayer to whichever sex god that comes to my mind at the time. I thank Him for his presence, and I humbly offer my myself and my body to embody His spirit while I cum. Then, as I spew my seed, I say out loud one wish. Most of the time that wish is ”heal me”, as I suffer from neck pain due to a childhood injury.
The prayer can go like this:
Oh beautiful Pan, Lord of the forest. Thank You for being with me. I offer You my body and my seed. Let me embody You, and share this pleasure with You. Oh sweet Pan, king of erections, patron of pleasure, come inside me, let my cock be your cock.… and as I cum, with every orgasmic pulse I say my wish…Heal me… heal me… heal me……. Heal me….. heal me…Then, as my seed pools over my torso, I thank Him with all my heart.
And I swear to you, I pain has gotten much lighter as of late. Not only that, I had a severe inflammation in my kneecap a few weeks ago, had it for days and was about to call the doctor. One night I did my prayer during J/O before sleep, and it the result was amazing. Several nights I had woken up in the middle of the night with throbbing pain in my knee. That night I woke up from a weird dream (can’t even recall what it was), and pain in my knee was almost gone entirely. I got up, walked around, expecting the pain to return, and couldn’t believe it when it didn’t. A few days later my knee was fine. Yes I do also believe in science, and there could be other explanations… but regardless I thanked my beautiful rustic gods again. I love them so much. I believe these gods of the old world still walk among us. And I think they hear us if we truly call out to them, either loudly or in our thoughts. There is a lie that says that seed spilled on the ground is an affront to god. It’s the greatest honor to god to give of your seed. We men must debunk this lie. – Ben