It’s not uncommon for rugby players to experience unexpected erections during a game. This can happen for a variety of physiological factors. If this situation arises, here are a few steps they can consider taking: It’s essential to remain composed and not panic. An erection is a natural bodily response and is not under immediate control. Erections usually subside on their own after some time. Concentrating on the rugby. If another player says anything, ask him if he would like it up the arse, after the match. It’s important to remember that unexpected erections are a normal physiological response and do not reflect the individual’s intent or arousal. Rugby players should not feel ashamed or embarrassed about this natural occurrence.

1 thought on “Rugby Erections

  1. I want a world in which erections are welcome and the questions of panicking, shame, cover-up, embarrassment and discomfort are not necessary.
    I have seen erections in changing rooms and at mixed nudist beaches a number of times and the guys sporting them did not seem slightly abashed. Nobody needs to feel bad about it.
    Plus it’s a feast for the eyes.

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