Although I identify publicly as heterosexual, I am aroused by the male body clothed or naked in all acts of sexual unity. This includes acts between men. I will not label myself but revel in the pleasure this offers. I continue to enjoy my relationship with my own body, a life of erotic pleasure forged over many decades. Approaching the sixth decade of my life does not diminish this. I have found equal pleasure in my penis and balls as I have my arse. My masturbations have included stimulation of my anus as well as my penis, discovering great sensitivity on the entrance as well as deeper pleasures within. New ecstasies have been revealed to me, my only regret is not finding another person, female or male, to enjoy this with me. In celebration of this long and fulfilling relationship with my arse I feel the need to show it and share it with all who access this wonderful place. I hope you enjoy it, happy as I am to show a life long sexual partner who, together with my penis have given many hours of joy with absolutely no strings attached. Maybe I will be brave enough at some point to show the other member of this duo. Until then, gaze on my friends. – David
Good post David like you I get aroused by seeing naked men in there different forms. I would have “classed” myself as being heterosexual although I have had oral sex performed on me and masturbation given to and masturbated someone also I have never had sex with a man or performed oral on a man, who knows let’s see what the future holds. Only thing I can say for definite is if I get t to London I will be giving Seb a visit. 😊Joe
Where DOES one get one of these dolls???!!!
David, you are the New man, one unafraid of so called sexual boundaries, bravo man! I am also approaching the sixth decade and sexuality just gets better, I would love to share time with you enlightened fella, I like your sexy arse pic.
And bravo Seb for that sexy clip……. I think you have dared David to “show the other member of the duo”
Good post David like you I get aroused by seeing naked men in there different forms. I would have “classed” myself as being heterosexual although I have had oral sex performed on me and masturbation given to and masturbated someone also I have never had sex with a man or performed oral on a man, who knows let’s see what the future holds. Only thing I can say for definite is if I get t to London I will be giving Seb a visit. 😊
I accept the challenge! Here goes then!
Tried to post this before but may have failed. I’m happy to take up the challenge. It’s not much but I’m proud of my cock!
Hey David,
I have to say you have a delicious and beautiful cock. Thanks for sharing.
Please posting your amazing body.
Thank you that’s so affirming!
Your perfect cock, your rounded balls, your bush, your hairy thighs and flat belly with a naval begging for a tongue to fuck it are a beautiful and arousing sight to behold! Really lovely photo. You are a gorgeous, desirable man!
Thank you AJ I never think of my body in this way, I am truly flattered by your comments.
If you find a lover, he will tell you these things. I would tell you the same if we were naked in bed together! You’re a gorgeous man. You need some one to tell you how sexy you are in person, naked, aroused by you, kissing your beautiful belly, cock and balls, and about to…. ?!
Wow! Just to be naked with another man and explore each others bodies would be amazing! Being kissed as you suggest would be so erotic! Thank you AJ! ❤️
HOT!! thank you
Wow! Amazing photo!
Jhonny, I don’t think I’ve seen a more beautiful, arousing picture of a man’s penis ever.
Your struggle will continue until you better understand that how you feel is more important than what others think of you, gay or straight . . . Like you, I am attracted to men more than women . . . don’t get me wrong, I love women . . . intimacy is not just about sexuality. I enjoy the company of fun humans . . . at some point a relationship between two people builds with sharing, honesty, communication of what is sexually pleasure able . . . shame and guilt are the enemies of pleasure. It is necessary for you to be yourself with whomever you are with, find attractive withoput remorse, without regret
Thank You Brian