I can
See angels
Sitting on your ears,
Polishing trumpets,
Replacing lute strings,
Stretching new skins on the drums
And gathering wood for the evening’s fire.
They all danced last night
But you did not
Hear Them.

5 thoughts on “Polishing Trumpets

  1. Whenever watching an orchestra, I am always drawn to the brass section, where the sexiest men are to be found. For me, the trumpeters, horn players and trombonists exude extra man-appeal, as their expert lips and tongues tease music from the long, hard, gleaming instruments in their hands. And with all that expert blowing, the oral moisture that accumulates in their instruments has to be furtively released through the spit-valve. Perhaps the robustness and resonance of solid metal instruments appeals to masculine musicians, while harking back to the brass bands of rugged miners and industrial workers. And for a rhythmic wank, the Rondo (third movement) from Mozart’s Horn Concerto No 4 is great for some fast and lively (“allegro vivace”) jerking.

  2. Does anyone know who is the man in the middle column, 4th pic down, holding the saxophone, salt and pepper beard, large wristband? A porn star maybe? Thanks.

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