“Phallic Phantasy 2024” a HaPenis Project, drawing inspiration from the visionary photographer Arthur Tress and his groundbreaking series “Phallic Phantasy” (1977-1980). Tress’s work marked a profound exploration of his own sexuality, a testament to the power of art to illuminate the depths of male desire. We extend an open call to artists, poets, photographers, and pornographers alike, inviting submissions for our online exhibition, “Phallic Phantasy 2024”. This is an opportunity for both professional and amateurs artists, where the boundaries of expression are pushed and reshaped. We eagerly await your contributions, each a unique reflection of the spirit of Tress’s pioneering vision. Leave a comment below and attach your art to join us on this exhilarating journey of exploration and revelation.
Phallic Phantasy 2024
More KnoBledge
It is men like ian that draw me in my older years. Id love to suck his cock. I like his playful ness with the gears on his dick.
Helping each other
Always dreaming of a helping hand
love a phallic Phantasy!
Tim, I absolutely love your art. Can I do a post with some of your images linking back to your site
And to think, I was just having a discussion on vintage male erotica.