8 thoughts on “Hypo Critical? 

  1. I agree with Greg Hunt: I love his site, for helping us ALL embrace our manhood, our various sexualities amd ways of being men, and the complexity and wondrousness of being not just men, but human beings. I’m an anti-labelist, as I’ve written in replies on this site. At the same time, I am grateful to all of you who have made it clear that removing “labels” from our lives, or even trying to live up to a “label,” isn’t easy. Like the man says: Never give up an opportunity to worship a penis. But love, don’t label, those who find it difficult to do so, as much as they may deeply, achingly want to!

    1. I commented on ‘labeling’ in other posts and it’s relevant again here. Years of study have shown there is a sexual spectrum and most people fit somewhere on that Spectrum.
      Having and acting on a desire to be with someone of the same sex does not make you “gay.” People can be sexually fluid in their desires and actions. It can be healthy to explore facets of your sexuality as long as it is age-appropriate and consensual. No amount of labeling is necessary or needed… and it’s also not going to change anything. I have met men who are extremely happy in their marriages, love their wives and have an active sex life. They also have an occasional desire to be with someone of the same sex. That does not require a label. There are married couples who self identify as ‘bisexual’ and have connections with other bisexual couples. There are some who call that ‘kinky’… Why? What goes on in peoples bedrooms is private and personal.
      Somewhere along the line we acquired an unhealthy need to pigeonhole people and to apply our own values and morals onto others. – and not just sexually. This is confining. unhealthy and harmful.
      To be clear, I am not an expert but I have been around for a while as a counselor. I have observed, heard a lot and i’ve done unscientific research. In my work I have tried to be sensitive and helpful to people and their needs.
      All that said, this is just my humble opinion.

  2. Thank you for your insightful comments. I left a comment here a while ago regarding labeling. During my career, I worked with special needs kids. It offended me to have to label them to get funding. One of our professors said something that stuck with me… ‘labels are for soup cans and for recipes.. not people.’

    1. Well said John & Jake.
      Thank you brothers

      Is this the renaissance of male sexuality, in the manner feminism liberated the woman? I hope so.
      Think of the day that all people think this way. And the LGBTQI,WTF! flag is getting way too complicated.

  3. Why in the fuck would you right on Brother Fuck labels Fuck my Fat Jiggly Ass And Fucknn Amen papa🤠

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