Being naked outside can be a freeing and energizing feeling. I enjoy the warmth of the sun or the breeze in the air caressing my body. But becoming fully relaxed out in the open can be difficult, especially when you need to remain vigilant of being disturbed. As a result, I often go out to more remote spots or later at night. At home, an alternative can be to open the window, sit naked, close your eyes and listen over headphones to some ambient sounds. A simple internet search brings up a whole range of background sounds to help you relax and stimulate your imagination. One of my favourites is the sound of a flowing river, whereby I visualise myself sitting naked on a riverbank, where I am joined by another man. After an exchange of glances and smiles, the man sits down beside me and we start kissing, as he undresses. Thereafter, we suck cock, rim each other and fuck. Listening to the sounds of the river and visualising every stage as vividly as possible can lead to deep relaxation, heightened pleasure and a satisfying orgasm. Other ambient sounds I particularly enjoy include the waves on the beach, heavy rain on the canvas of a tent, and the creaking of a sailing ship on the open sea. Each serves as the accompaniment to a visualised scene involving an erotic encounter. And for a different type of liaison, I like to listen to the background noise of a crowded pub, whereby the hunky barman takes me into the storeman for some quick and rough action. I recommend exploring the range of recordings on offer and see where your imagination takes you. Hugh Braceland
At The Window
More KnoBledge
Just using the window light for a nude self portrait is a challenging session to do as the photographer and as the model. If it’s in the wintertime it’s also a lot warmer than going outdoors for your session.