9 thoughts on “One True God

  1. I keep kicking myself. Have tremendous regret not taking the opportunity.
    The chance?
    A gay priest was hitting on me when i was young but in subtle ways i didn’t know.
    Later in life learned he was gay but he moved to another parish.
    Since that day i told myself i`d never let an opportunity slip by again.
    It didn’t`t when i had a one year affair with a married man. Very fulfilling and instilled in me tremendous Gay Pride knowing i help convert him to homosexuality.
    He wished to remain “married” so eventually i left him for an openly gay man.
    Having gay sex with priests is still on my bucket list.

    1. I am a good long-time friend of a Catholic priest. I am Catholic, myself and we have had lots of times together. We have never slipped between the sheets although he has hinted he has thought about it. I told him I did not want to spoil our relationship. He agreed. I don’t know if I should change my mind. I have seen him in the gym and he is well, very well endowed. He told me he has 8″ hard. What you think guys?

  2. The Catholic Church made me feel sinful growing up because I masturbated. Litle did they know how healthy it was and is. But no, you can’t do that. I continued to do that. Today, I am healthy sexually. I do not have prostate cancer or any other problems with my “waterworks.” I go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. My Urologist is a great guy and he is amazed at my sexual health. I am 83 and no longer have intercourse with my wife because she has no interest; typical, but he advised me a few years ago to masturbate at least twice a week. I edge, and edge, and have a good healthy time. Keep it up guys. It’s fun, relaxing, and healthy.

  3. As an adult years ago in my early twenties I fucked a priest.. There was something extra hot realizing that the discarded cleric suit and white collar laying on a chair belonged to the hot young guy who’s asshole I had just eaten and was now holding his knees to his chest as I thrust my cock in and out of his anus. I wondered if he ever had a load of someone’s cum in his ass when he said mass for my parents and the other congregants on Sunday.

  4. La polla es lo mejor de la naturaleza que Dios ha creado y estoy de acuerdo con el comentario anterior,durante muchos años la iglesia nos hizo sentir sucios y pecadores,y eran ellos los que más se masturban y abusaban de otros chicos.

    1. Words of Wisdom. I have translated your comment with google

      “The cock is the best of nature that God has created and I agree with the previous comment, for many years the church made us feel dirty and sinful, and they were the ones who abused.”

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