Personally I don’t equate massage skill with a beautiful body. Anyway, although it may be a cliché, beauty very much comes from within. James
I would agree with James. I have built up a network of massage exchange partners of all shapes & sizes, sexualities and genders ranging from skinny (me) to more than a few extra pounds none of us feel it is important to look like a Greek god/goddess in order to give a skilled massage. Tony
Its interesting that neither person who has replied relate massage skill and body beautiful. I would agree with them as after many years have found that massage skill and energy are what matters, but Ive also seen people going straight for the adonis type when selecting partners to massage (even though they dont know the ability of the other). Ive noticed on here a preconception of people by age and beauty. Mark
Massage and sensuality are all about energy, and the age and shape of the body are less important, yet perception is that an adonis is fully adorable even though they may not be skilled in massage. Why do we equate skill with body beautiful? – Michael